Monday, August 9, 2010

Hilton, Schmilton - I'm Stayin' Here!

Driving through town, I couldn’t help but notice this sign outside of a local motel.  I pass it daily, but have never taken the time to actually READ it. (So much for their advertising efforts!)  And yes, I DID go back later and discretely snap this pic after my mind got to running rampant with halarity.
OK – just reading at face value here…is NEMAX the extra-strength, turbo version of the standard enema? And we all know that a motel room is just not a motel room without all the modern conveniences like a FIRDGE.   Those amenities add to the motel that would normally fall below standard, making it a 5 star dream.
Maybe this is actually the cheaper version of a day spa for those dreaming of colonics and saunas. Maybe this is the working man – the blue collar version – Lord knows it would be all I could afford. Maybe I’ll book m’self a day – a day of all out pampering complete with N EMAXES and FIRDGES! But for now, I guess I’ll just dream.


Pat Tillett said...

Andrea, this is one of the funniest things I've read in a while...hilarious!

Great post...

Al said...

Those signs missing letters can be quite funny, this one is certainly a classic.

Alice in Wonderland said...

LOL! I love it!
Things like these signs just get to me!
I wonder if you put NEMAX FIRDGE into an anagram search what you would come up with...humm, something to think about.

Thank you for your comment, I'm now following you.

Alice in Wonderland said...

LOL! These are a couple of the funnier words that I found:
Defang Mixer.
Fridge Axmen.
Fringed Exam.
Hope that doesn't put you off staying there, but, it makes you think!

Andrea said...

Thanks, Pat, Al, & Alice! I know - things like this just make me "bust a gut" (isn't that gross - another one a dem Southern things - I think!) laughing! I'm now fixated on the thing - everytime I go by, I have to check it to see if any poor soul has corrected it or given me some other juicy morsel upon which to naw! I'm just glad I'm not over "signage" anywhere - I make enough goofs on the bulletins here at work. I'll have to share some!