Friday, October 23, 2009

It's Been a While!

Well, still enjoying talking to myself! LOL! It's been a while since I last posted so I thought I would check to see how my pathetic little blog spot was doing. It's also been a while since we have seen DRY LAND! What is the deal with all the rain - I know God knows what he's doing, but boating to my car every morning is getting a little rediculous. Glad to see He's still holding to that promise though with the rainbow and all.
Trying to raise kiddos in this world is an incredible challenge! Would anyone dispute that? Dare you! I have been threatening my children with the phrase, "I do NOT want you two to be "NORMAL". Bless their hearts - they don't have a chance!! Seriously - the threat is issued when they argue incesantly and I can't "fix" it. Because, yes, as a mom, it is my job to "fix" things! When I can't "fix" this situation I resort to the guilt thing of "this is your sister - this is your brother - you are all you have - you need to take care of each other and not have many regrets! Then I also follow up with, "...even if all the other "normal" brother and sister relationships out there are constantly arguing and fighting - you aren't! You will NOT be a "normal" brother or sister!"
Poor things - will someone pray for them now!
Of course, I always try to explain what I mean, but as the crickets start chirpping and the glaze comes into their eyes, I give up!
If you have any advice - or funny anecdotes - PLEASE SHARE THEM SO I WILL KNOW IF MY KIDS ARE NORMAL!!!
Till the next blog (I think I just heard a cricket!),

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Not sure what I'm doing here, but have been hiding away with my two kiddos all week last week and forgot that there is a world outside fever reducers, thermometers, cold, wet washcloths, fluids and Gilmore Girl reruns (to which I am now addicted!). But it could be much worse - I realize. Reality check was finding out that a family member has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Not sure what stage or anything - put praying that he will be restored to full health and that he can begin a plan of action soon that will be as less evasive as possible.

Is everyone out there having a good week? Hope so! Here's to a great week and more talking to myself! UNLESS SOMEONE OUT THERE WOULD LIKE TO SAY HELLO!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Journey Begins!

OK! So I'm just learning to blog - don't be surprised. Can you say - beginning a new journey? My life has taken an unexpected turn and I want to hear from others who may be on the same trek. I would love to hear where your life is at this moment in time. Is it great? Super. Does it lack something? What? Just want to blog - great - I love to listen and am tired of staying in my locked away world with limited communication.

Want to know where my journey has led me? No big deal. In fact, just a simple story that most of you have yourself, but if there's anyone who would just like to correspond - great! Write!
I'll be waiting.
