Friday, August 20, 2010

The Four Seasons

No, this is not a blog entry on the luxurious hotel. But after discussing the heat of summer in my last entry, I was reminded about something that I said to one of the roofers. I made the comment that it seems, here in Mississippi, we experience the best of all 4 seasons. When it’s Spring, you see all the plants in bloom, the weather begins to warm up, we get a decent amount of rain (usually), and there are beautiful colors everywhere. Everything seems to come to life (including allergies - oh, sorry, this was supposed to be positive).
When the summer begins to bounce into being, we get lots of (as aforementioned) heat and humidity, but when the weather is cooperating, it can be an extremely nice day. You want to be out soaking up the sun, swimming, skiing, etc!
Then fall appears, the leaves begin to change some of the most beautiful colors – yellows, reds, browns, oranges – it’s simply amazing. Winds begin to blow in a crisper air. A more mild, cool temp pervades as the leaves then begin their descent. And sometimes you can catch the smell of people burning leaves in their yards (this can be good or bad!).
Winter rages in last, with really cold temps that can occasionally fall below freezing. You want to bundle up to go outside. We may see it get down to the negatives a couple of times (and, hey, you people up North and in Canada – don’t burst my bubble! I know I ain’t seen nothin’, as “they” say, but you know, it's just as good as Antarctica to us -LOL!). Here, the warning of snow or ice (and we have actually seen an ice storm or two) sends people rushing to the store to buy up milk, bread, and water. (I’ve never understood why those three, exactly, are the necessities. For me, common sense would say water (yes), bread (ok), but add meat, AND CHOCOLATE! OR ANYTHING SWEET!! And batteries! No one ever thinks to get batteries!) At any rate, we always pray for a white Christmas, rarely get one, but see the white stuff a couple of weeks to months later.
So, what’s it like where you reside? Where you grew up? I told one of the roofers that there was no way I could make it up North – I wear a jacket in the office here during the summer if the air’s turned on for too long. Go ahead, say it! WHAT A WIMP!
So I guess we COULD say that I have stayed at the “four seasons” - if we really stretch this. Well, who would’ve guessed?


Ms. A said...

Used to love the summer, no so much anymore. Texas summers are excruciating. I'm longing for some cool, crisp air!

pilgrimchick said...

It sounds like a great way to sample all of the seasons. We New Englanders may brag about our White Christmases, but, let me tell you, down deep we resent having to purchase large trucks with four-wheel drive just to get anywhere in the winter.

Jim said...

We're coming to the end of winter in Australia and looking forward to Summer. :)

Andrea said...

Ms. A - May the winds of Autumn pass quickly your way and rustle through your hair and may you give thanks...well, that MY "winds" aren't blowin your way!

Pilgrimchick - that's so funny - we must have a lot of Northern boys at heart around here, 'cause every "good ole boy" thinks he looks 10 Xs bigger & better in a 4 wheel drive! Our snow is brown (they mud ride). The bigger the mudders, the more manly the man! I would love to experience about 1 day of you guys' winter - then I'm done - send me home (or to a beach somewhere)!

JBar - Always thought Australia would be a great place to visit. How are the winters vs. summers there? By the way - wonderful pics on your website!