Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guess What? It’s HOT!

Summers in the South…well they’re hot and they’re humid. They are sticky; they are draining; they are saturating; they are smothering (worse than your Aunt Matilda's Christmas hug!). Did I mention that they're HOT…and HUMID! I’m sure that many of you have seen or experienced the extreme heat wave we seem to be having nationwide. Now, I haven’t studied up on this, so I can’t actually make such a statement as “record-breaking”, but, guys, IT’S HOT! Most days are hovering around the upper 90's. But we’ve seen numbers like 103 with heat indices of 115. Yes, I know that those numbers may be relatively common for people living in say, Arizona, California (shout out!), Hades, etc. But, there’s one thing we have here that certain areas of our nation don't seem to complain about – HUMIDITY! It’s just one of those things that you can’t explain – you just have to experience it to understand it!
For a month or two now, we have had a number of fellas working on a roof project (yes, I am going somewhere with this!). After seeing 2 or 3 companies walk off the job, we discovered the reason. Their complaint – the heat! They said there was no way they could stand the heat and humidity – that they had never experienced anything like it and simply couldn’t finish. Needless to say, one group finally came riding in on a white horse (named Dodge!) and saved the day. They claimed the same thing…never had they experienced this kind of weather. But…they were the only ones who stayed and completed the job. So kudos to them!! And thank you very much, gentlemen. Sorry that it was such a miserable job, but we appreciate it all the more!
Let me try to explain, for those of you who may have never known such an experience, what a hot, humid, Southern summer day is like. You have the heat, it’s quite hot, actually very hot. There’s no wind, no breeze (and you thank God if you’re walking down the sidewalk and someone opens a business door and you feel a bit of air! Might even duck in for a minute or two and pretend to look around! No - not me - never done that, myself!). So you walk out of your front door at 7:00 AM, and are hit in the face, instantaneously, with a wall of heat. OK, let’s say you walk outside and you feel the heat hit you in the face at the same time someone takes a steaming hot blanket and throws it onto you and drenches your hair, your face, and your clothes and you have to carry that sopping blanket around all day – THAT’S SUMMER IN THE SOUTH!
As much as this sounds like a complaint, it isn’t. I am thankful for the days I spent running around as a child in my neighborhood, playing while carrying around my sopping wet blanket, too stupid to go inside and cool off, listening to my father's perverbial warning, "Stay in or stay out!". So we stayed out until we had to come inside because we were all the shade of lobsters, hair glued into Ed Grimly position by the perspiritory wipings of the brow. And there was always that neighborhood kid that had a pool, but never invited anyone over! Yeah, thanks, dude. That's why you never knew where our secret clubhouse was! Then, FINALLY, someone's mom would always pull out the POPCICLES!! Thanks, MOM!
I guess everyone has something about the area in which they live that they either love or hate - something that makes the place endearing. I don’t hate the heat, but it would be nice if it would cool off just a bit. Maybe I'll stick my head in the FIRDGE for a while! Maybe pass out some POPCICLES! WANT ONE? I call grape!


Pat Tillett said...

Humidity is a killer....I'm so aclimated to southern california, that I don't think I could live anywhere else. Your description is enough to make me sure of it.

hang in there!!!

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

I am so glad that I don't live in a tropical climate with high humidity - I think my hair would always been a fuzzy mess!

Nat said...

I hate makes the UK summer unbearable at times, although heat seems to be a thing of the past and our summer is apparently over :-(

Alice in Wonderland said...

Have to agree with Nat on this one!
Yes, it looks like our Summer is over...unless we are lucky and get an "Indian Summer" later on.
How I miss the long Summer days when it didn't really get dark at all. Now we have Autumn to look forward too, the leaves changing colours.
Gosh, this year has gone over far to fast!

Thank you for your comment on my blog! I'm now actually thinking about starting my Photo Blog again.

Al said...

I, for one, am not a fan of very hot weather. We've hit 90 degrees once at my house this year, we almost certainly won't again, and it's almost never humid.

Andrea said...

Pat - thanks for the encouragement! Just glad I wasn't one on top of the roof - gives new meaning to "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!". I'm not sure anyone would want to aclimate to this area! Southern Cal would be nice - if there weren't too many earth quakes!

Hey, Jamie-lee, so happy you stopped by! Yeah humidity and heat don't make good on the hair do! Mine's so flat anyway - ain't nothin' makin' this head frizz. Hope you stay frizz-free, girl!

Oh man, Nat - short summer - that is a bummer! You guys probably get so much rain - what, like 100% humidity at times! LOL! Maybe it won't be too bad. Send some coolness this way, will ya?

Alice IW,- Autumn - the older I get, I appreciate the milder seasons more. I guess we need to look for the beauty - the "yellow" - in things (refering to an older post, sorry). Your nephew is a cutie! Looking forward to seeing more photos!

Al - almost never humid -wow! I bet that's nice. We're still getting forecasts of 98 or more at times, with heat advisories and warnings. It doesn't seem to be letting up much. I walked into my house once this summer and the air had stopped working - the thermostat was registering over 90 - that's as far as the thing goes - they estimated that it was well over 100 in the house. Niiiice! But thankfully, they fixed it quickly. My kids and I decided to try to "rough it" and stay the night (they wouldn't be out until the next day to fix it). I feel for anyone who lives w/out air conditioning!

Dew of Hermon said...

Thanks for that graphic description of a Southern summer, I'd never be able for it. Here on this island (the Emerald, don't you know)the challenge is to keep dry during a typical Irish summer.


Andrea said...

Would love to visit the Emerald Isle one day. All that wet stuff is supposed to make the green even greener and more beautiful, right? I am reading a biography on St. Patrick right now - interesting! Stay dry, Gerard, and enjoy every day! Blessings!